28 Dec 2015


Hello everyone

Today I have a very easy but interesting decoratives recipe for cakes and cookies. Who don't like cakes, cupcakes or cookies decorated with sparkling glittery sprinkles. Specially kids love to relish on decorated stuffs more than naked ones. But in market these decoratives are too expensive and generally available with eggs. So why not give it a try at home also, with easy available ingredients, eggless and in minimum time and effort. Today I am sharing glittery sparkling colored sugar sprinkles recipe, many more are coming in further days. Till then try and enjoy these super easy and attractive sprinkles at home and win your kids heart. Hope you all will definitely give it a try. 
Stepwise recipe is given below, do try and let me know how it turned out for you.


Yield: 2+ tbsp 
Time: 10 mins


2 heaped tbsp fine granulated sugar
1/4 tsp edible liquid color ( your choice)
2 drops vanilla essence ( completely optional, I skipped)


Mix sugar, colour and essence well. 

Spread in thin layer on a baking tray lined with butter paper .
Now bake in a preheated oven at 180 degree C for 10 mins.

Now break all the lumps formed in sugar with oven mitt when it's still warm. Or you can also use rolling pin to separate sugar granules. But use light hands to avoid powdering your sprinkles. Once cooled , keep it in airtight containers.  I made six colors red, blue, green, yellow ,orange and purple by mixing red and blue colors. Your glittery sparkling sprinkles are ready to use. 

You can use any color of your choice or can also mix and match different colors to get different shades of your choice.
Try to use fine granules sugar, neither powdered ones nor too big granules, to get nice glittery texture.
Avoid adding too much of color, it may make lots of lumps and also ruin taste of sprinkles.
You can prepare these in bulk and store properly to use later whenever needed.
Now decorate your sweet treats with these sparkling beauties and see the eyes of your munchkins glittering with happiness. 

You can also use these on your puddings, ice creams or others sweet dishes to add extra attraction and crunchiness.

Hope you all will love this eggless sprinkle recipe and please pour your valuable comments and suggestions here, they meant a lot.

Happy cooking....

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